Tips For Designing A Horse Arena
The idea of creating the ideal riding arena seems impossible. You likely know what you’re looking for if you’ve given it any thought. A horse-riding arena, however, requires a lot of planning and attention to detail. Concentrating on the larger picture is simple, but realizing your ideal riding arena means making wise choices regarding more information, like the base of the riding area—details that are probably not present in your ideas.
You and your partner may already have a plan for the backyard arena you want to construct. But with so much going into building a riding arena, it’s simple to become sidetracked in the planning. When planning your arena, it’s important to keep design and performance aspects in mind. They will assist you in creating the horse arena you really desire as opposed to the one you’re currently settling for. Designing a riding surface that endures the test of time can be done with confidence.
Aspects To Keep in Mind When Planning Your Horse Arena
1. Create A Budget
If you’ve decided to go ahead and construct the ideal riding arena, you have a budget in mind. Be sure to conduct an in-depth study and educate yourself on everything you need. This basic amount should develop into an itemized budget as you go through the process. If the bottom line is excessive, you can look at each line individually to determine where costs can be reduced. Do yourself a favor and get price quotes from a few vendors for each item on that line. Compare the numbers next. It’s similar to finding a bargain for your riding arena. Larger line items, like arena installation, can vary by thousands of dollars, while smaller things, like troughs or gates, may only range a little.
2. Check The Township Regulations
It will help if you start by learning about your township’s ordinances. Township bylaws specify the kind of structures that are permitted and prohibited on individual properties. They will include instructions on how far from the property line your project must be, whether there are any size restrictions and whether a building permit is necessary, assuming you have permission to erect a structure. They may even offer recommendations regarding how much space you should have for each horse. Start your search online if you are still figuring out where to look. If you can’t find them online, look up the township office’s contact details and request a copy of the ordinances from them. Before moving forward with your strategy, you should know the guidelines.
3. Pick The Proper Location
Choosing the ideal location is the initial step in establishing a riding arena. Since falling leaves and tree roots can pose various issues, it is best to find a clear guiding position without any hedgerows or trees nearby. Additionally, you must take the location’s soil type into account. In essence, practically any surface can be used to construct an arena. However, preparing rocky or wet soil will cost more for goods and equipment. Therefore, it is better to pick a place with clay-based soil.
4. Check For Natural Drainage System For Arena
Although you would assume that a covered or enclosed riding arena eliminates the requirement for water drainage, this is regrettably untrue. A horse riding arena constructed on a low-lying, poorly draining region may fail. Even while flat land can seem like the ideal location, you’ll need to build on higher ground that naturally drains, or you could need to add an expensive budget line item for drainage. Consider what excavation would be necessary to get the land to that stage if it lacks a natural space for drainage. Drains can be used if everything else fails.
5. Consider Enclosed Barn
Protecting it (and you) from the elements is probably one of the reasons you’re considering installing a shielded or enclosed riding arena. Have you thought about constructing a barn-sized enclosed arena if that is one of the objectives? This eliminates the need to navigate through the rain, snow, or wind to get from the barn to your riding area and gives you only one spot to go. Consider renting a few stalls to help cover the costs if you like the idea but aren’t sure you can afford it.
In The End
To ensure that your arena complies with all building rules and specifications, you may need to hire a design professional to produce the designs (an architect, an engineer, etc.). Make sure your riding arena is weather-resistant and structurally robust, if for no other reason. There is no way to quantify such peace of mind. You will also need to choose suitable materials that last longer; this is where Lincoln Sand & Rocks can help you. We are the leading suppliers of all your farm & barn needs in California. Let’s get started.